Jack Hopkins
JackMy name is Jack Hopkins, I have been working with computers and technology for almost all of my life starting when I was just a child. My uncle works for Geek Squad at Best Buy and he got me into technology when I was young. He helped me build my first computer at age 12 and guided me through fixing problems with other forms of technology until I became proficient on my own. I then have been fixing any sort of technological issue for my friends and family ever since. I went to school for a couple of years at Iron Range Engineering but eventually I decided to work in IT.
I love being able to solve problems and I like a good challenge of figuring something out and being able to help someone in the process learn what they need to know is a very nice bonus. I have some hobbies and other interests that reflect my wanting to solve problems as well. In my time away from work I like playing strategic video games, hunting, fishing, and learning about history, science, and technology. I am also passionate about buying, building and fixing houses, cooking challenging meals and all of the gratifying challenges that come with these passions and my job.

Educational Technology
Our core products are services to K-12 school districts throughout the state of Minnesota. 
We supply the day to day essential support that schools need along with networking, server, and infrastructure support.  With our years of experience, we are able to take care of your school district needs.
Small Business Support
Let us help maximize productivity and power your small business to run efficiently while improving business outcomes with the right technology solutions.
City & Local Government Support
Our specialized work with many school districts affords us the opportunity to apply those experiences in conjunction with our government specialized knowledge.  We provide technical support to small and medium sized government offices.